

Just wanted to express our sincere desire for you and yours to enjoy a blessed and joyous holiday season and end the year with this thought...

As we go forth in the coming year, why not allow the spirit of this time of the year to go with us. I'm not talking about the fighting for the last parking space at the mall, fighting off an elderly grandmother for the last of a particular game that you have to have, or even the anticipation of wanting to see what is in the package with your name on it. No...rather I am speaking of the warm feeling of having your family near, the act of sharing or giving to another, inviting strangers into our midst and offering them our kindness. Maybe we could carry with us the understanding that Christ was born for us year round and that if it were not for His LIFE and DEATH and RESURRECTION we would not have the opportunities that we do.

So why celebrate only His birth and His resurrection? Why not celebrate every second of His life here on earth? I bet that the woman at the well is happy for more than 2 days of Jesus' existence! What about Lazarus, the demon possessed young man, Nicodemus, or even the criminal on the cross. It was because of the life of Jesus that these people had their futures changed forever. It is because of the truths that He demonstrated through His life that we are able to have His guidebook, the Holy Bible, for our lives. Celebrate and live your life in honor of His and then you will be able to show the world the true "Spirit" of the holiday season, every day of the year...


Natural Disaster...

We have all heard about or seen some of the recent "disasters" that have hit our planet. From hurricanes to earthquakes to famine or drought, these natural disasters drastically alter our lifestyles and enhance our appreciation for the times when things are "good". Not to belittle these events or the impact that they have had on people's lives, but I believe that the most potent natural disaster is found within us and among us everyday...Us.

We settle into an area and consume every resource that God has graciously blessed us with and then like a plague move on to the next "host" that we can consume. And the worst part of it all is that we often fail to even acknowledge the God that has given us the ability to enjoy this frivolous and cavalier lifestyle in the first place. Think about it. We openly exploit the environment that He has given us. We use hatred and prejudice to validate our reckless destruction of people and ideals. We openly profess to love God at the same time as we kill His creation. We predicate and push our own agendas under the banner of Godliness (this applies to all religions, even we as "Christians") and then we completely humiliate and embarrass our faith by in one breath shouting and proclaiming the benevolence, grace, and mercy of a God that we cannot possibly know and love because we twist and convolute His teachings to try to demean everyone who is different or believes things differently than ourselves.

Why don't we, instead of arguing and bickering, even among ourselves, express the love and kindness that we profess to enjoy. Why not let that be our legacy to the world rather than the bitterness and disdain that we currently perpetuate. What if we took the time to appreciate where someone was coming from before we condemn them to hell! Why not allow them to get to know the God that we worship by first getting to know Him through us. I recently heard it put this way, "You cannot lead someone to a place where you have never been and you cannot show someone something that you yourself do not have."

Maybe that is the bigger problem...


Excuse my absence...

I apologize for the long period between postings, I have been out of town on vacation. In the time that I have been gone I was humbled to hear more teachings on the life of Daniel. Surprisingly enough, his encounter in the lion's den was not the only time in his life where he exhibited strength and proved his willingness to serve and devotion to God. His life's story is a shining testimony to the power, glory, and awe inspiring majesty that is a life left in the hands of an almighty God. I would encourage anyone who would like to see what a Christian life could and should be to read the book of Daniel. There is no telling where God may take you when you are able to see where God took him...


You Have What You Are...

I know that most people don't like to talk about death. They either avoid the subject all together or the breifly touch the topic on their way to another converstation, and while we are not going to delve too deeply into the subject, I would like to encourage you to think about this one thought. "When you die, you leave all that you have, and you have all that you are..."

When you die, you will not take any of your possessions with you! Remember this... There was a story that I heard one time where a rich elderly oil tycoon had married a woman who was considerably younger than he was and his one dying wish was to be burried with all of his money. So when he died she honored his request and as she passed by his coffin to "pay" her last respects, she dropped in a check for the entire sum of money...A lot of good that did him?!?

The only thing that last once you die who and what you are! Think about this, what appears on tombstones? It rarely ever mentions the things that you own but rather says to the world who and what you were. Possibly a husband, mother, child, loving, caring, compassionate...Christian? Never "Here lies Joe who had 3 houses, $4 Million, and drove a Lexus"?!? This is intended to be humerus but also true. Things get put in perspective when you die. The tradgey is that for many people this is the only time where things are in proper perspective...

So who and what will you take with you? You have time to change the answer if you choose...


Father Knows Best...

We often hear pastors, preachers, speakers, teachers, etc. tell us that if we want something from God that we should pray about it. All of us have, at some point or another, wanted something so badly or thought if I only had this or that then I would be happy and content, only to experience an unanswered prayer. But at this point it is important to note that simply because God does not respond in the way that we would want Him to, does not mean that He isn't listening nor does it mean that He does not care about you enough to give you your desire. It might just be that He is saying "Not right now" or "In a minute" or maybe even "No". Yes, contrary to what some popular evangelist might have you to believe, the Bible does mention the word No!

I had one such experience when I was younger. I wanted to date a certain girl and I wanted it so badly that I would pray and pray for God to allow me to be with her. I would make deals like "If You will allow me to be with her then I will do this" or say things like "If You care about me at all then You would want me to be happy, and she would make me happy." I didn't realize it at the time but I can see it now after approximately 15 years or so. If I had been granted my request then my life would be extremely different and I don't mean for the better. The girl that I had my eye on turned out to be a drug user, she stole from her parents, friends, and family to get these drugs. She is now divorced twice with 3 children by 3 different men. Why would anyone want that?

God saw what was best for me not what I want! So remember, like the old TV show, Father knows best! God will allow you to be the best that you can possibly be and just like with your parents, you may not always like their answer but often times they do know what is best for you and want what is best for you...


God's Waiting On You...

Have you ever thought to yourself that you were not ready to make the commitment to follow God because you didn't have everything all worked out and there were still somethings in your life that weren't exactly, for lack of a better word, Godly? Have you ever said that once I get everything straightened out and get my life together, then I will serve the Lord? News Flash, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT ALL TOGETHER WITHOUT GOD!

There is an old saying that says, "You can't get good then get God, but you can get God and get good." Truer words could not have been spoken!

God's not waiting on you to get all of the inadequacies and failures out of your life. He does not need you to be sinless or even blameless. He could honestly care less about what you've done or where you've been. God is simply waiting on you. That's all!

So please, today, open the door and let Him in. You will find that it was the best decision that you ever made!


Light Shines From the Inside Out...

Here's something to think about the next time you find yourself in a situation or predicament where you are unsure of which way to go or which path to choose. Step back, take a look at the situation, and ask yourself, "Is my desire to do this coming from outside influences or is this something that I, internally, really want to do?".

You see, the answer to this question, all be it somewhat elementary in nature, can help you to establish whether or not the decision you are about to make is of God or not. You see, God works from the inside out where Satan works from the outside in. Now before you dismiss this as being some kind of Christian psycho-babel, give it time to sink in. Think about it for a minute, everything that you do that is sinful in nature is externally motivated. You want to impress another person so you steal what you can not afford. You feel peer pressure so you smoke, drink, do drugs, or abuse your body. You turn on the television or open a magazine (external sensation) and give in to the urge to watch or look at something you know you should not. The list goes on and on...

We read in Ephesians 6:10-13 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

The devil tempts us, causes us to question God's Word, and even adds his own words from time to time to do just enough to cause us to slip and fall. Once he is able to do this then he goes on full attack. It's like the recovering alcoholic who sincerely wants to change his life. He knows that he MUST stay away from the bar. But, in a moment of weakness, he gives in to the badgering of his old "friends" and goes into the bar just to spend time with them. Once inside, the devil goes to work. He says something like, "You're gonna look stupid if you sit here without a beer, you don't have to drink it, just sit it there so you don't look foolish." Once he get the beer, then the devil says something like, "One sip won't hurt, I mean after all even the people of the Bible drank, see it says right there in 1 Timothy 5:23, Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities., so a little won't hurt." So he drinks the beer and then the devil pours it on! "Well how can you say that you're a changed man when you are here in a bar drinking!?! You might as well go on and have another since you've gone this far!" And so the man who wanted to change his life ends up staggering out of the bar the next morning, a prisoner to the very thing that he desperately wants to be set free from...

His "friends", the bar, the beer, all external influences that he listened to rather than the internal voice that said NO!...Just something to think about.


What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

There was a saying right at the end of a movie called "Bruce Almighty" where Jim Carey says, Be the Miracle." And while I'm sure many people saw this as a fitting way to end a comedy movie based loosely around the miracle working power of God, these words could not have been more true for how we who have had the privilege of knowing and coming into contact with the Lord of all creation should live our lives in this world. We should be the miracle for those around us and they should be able to see God's miracle working power in us because, whether you think it is fair or not, you are all of God that this world is going to ever see and so you have the obligation of carrying the banner of Christ as long as you choose to be His servant.

So how can we "Be the Miracle"? It really is simple. Too often we think of miracles as supernatural or spectacular when in all actuality we oftentimes miss the miracles that we are blessed with in our lives. Doing what is right and just rather than what is easy can be a miracle. A single mother providing for her children or a father raising his kids on his own and having them grow up to be productive members of society can be and is a miracle. Even something as simple as helping a neighbor in need or sharing the gospel with a loved one can be miraculous. After all, think about it this way, is it not a miracle that you have been given the understanding and the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Even the miracle of ownership of the very Word of God which is the Bible is a miracle...How many 4 thousand year old books do you know of still in circulation today? (huh)...

So be the miracle and watch as God does the miraculous through you!


Back to the Basics...

Have you ever felt like you were so far away from God that you couldn't even see of hear Him anymore? Ever felt disconnected or alone? Maybe you've been walking with God for some time now and suddenly you look around and He's not there or you're not where you wanted to be. If so, know this, God didn't move, you did!

The bible tells us in James 4:8, "Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands, ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye double minded." So we see that if we will draw closer to God then He will in turn come to us.

So what does it take to get close to God? Well it's a lot like when you play a sport and you have a bad game, your coach may tell you to get back to the basics. Well the basics with God are the simple things like reading your bible, praying, going to church AND BEING A PART OF THE SERVICE, true worship, testifying of His goodness, and surrounding yourself with good people and influences.

So get back to the basics and see what God can and will do through you!!!


How Important is Your Bible?

You may have seen the video "What If Your Bible Was As Important As Your Cell Phone?", and the video raises some interesting and disturbing questions. Questions such as, If we truly believe that our Bible is the unedited, uncorrupted, infallible, Word of God, then why do we cast it about as randomly and carelessly as we often do? or Since our Bible is called the sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17, why are so many of us defenseless, or If because of the lack of knowledge of God's Word we perish according to Hosea 4:6, why are a lot of us slowly dying? If we believe what we say that we do then why do we act as if we don't?
A wise preacher once wrote the following, "If a person professes to be a Christian but neglects their Bible, then the dust upon it's cover will rise up to testify against them on their day of judgement!"
In other words, we are only as spiritually strong as we are intelligent and inspired by the Bible. If we know little or nothing of what is contained within the pages of this powerful and immortal book then how can we profess to believe what it tells us or for that matter, how can we tell someone else that they need to believe what it contains? How can we head our Master's call if we are unfamiliar with His voice or His manner of speech? How can we do His will if we don't know His desires for our lives?
You see, we need our Bible more than it needs us! This collection has been around for thousands of years and it will continue to proclaim the Truth long after we are gone. The only question is will you proclaim and live it's Truth while you are here?

End of Summer / Back to School Rally...

The SoCal Youth District Four End of Summer / Back to School Rally will be held in San Fernando, California on September 12th at 7:30 pm. We will be leaving the church at 6:00 pm so anyone needing a ride needs to be there prior to the 6:00 pm deadline. There is no cost for this event... Also the pastor has announced that any young people who go to both the End of Summer / Back to School Rally and Praise on the Mountain, that the church will pay half of their admission fee for Praise on the Mountain. So come to both and be doubly blessed and keep a little more cash in your pocket! See, God is at work for you...

Praise on the Mountain...

Anyone wishing to participate in the Praise on the Mountain day at Six Flags : Magic Mountain needs to either meet us at the church at 9:00 am or meet us at the park at approx. 9:45-10:00 am. The admission is $28.00 per person...


Video Ministry...

Anyone who wants to be a part of a video for posting on YouTube please let Brother Jeremy know! We want to make this video ASAP but we need actors...So please pray about it and if God lays this ministry on your heart then we invite you to be a part of what we are doing through the video ministry of the Connect Point Yfactor...


We will be taking the Yfactor Youth group to Mulligan's on August 15th. The cost will be $10.00 per person and the youth group will pick up the rest of the cost for admission. You do not have to be a church member or even a Yfactor member to attend so please, come one come all!!! If you are interested in attending this function then please let Brother Jeremy know ASAP so we can get a count of how many people are going to attend! Thank you and God bless!!!

Camp Meeting...

Summer Camp Meeting will be held in Santa Maria from August 4th through August 9th. Anyone wishing to attend needs to notify either Brother Jeremy or Pastor ASAP! The entire church will be going up on the 7th and we will be meeting at the church at approximately 4:00 pm to caravan up that way so be there early so you can reserve your seat...


Professional Pentecostals...

Maybe it's just me, but sometimes when I look around the sanctuary during a service, I get the feeling that some of the people there are "Professional Pentecostals"!?! What I mean by this is that they have lost all of the true fire and motivation for worshipping and magnifying the King of Kings and they are simply going through the motions of what and who "they think" that God wants them to be rather than actually being who God wants them to be. They dress exactly how they think that God would want them to dress in their suites and ties, dresses and fancy shoes, but they don't REALLY do it to pay honor and tribute to the reverence that they have for their God, but rather, so that the people who happen to sit behind them in the pews can look at them and think, "Boy, they must be spiritual!" They are more concerned with personal recognition than having someone see God in them. They stand to their feet and mouth the words to the choruses as they are sung, never taking the time or the effort to let the words resonate within their minds and allow the expression of their meaning to take hold of them in such a way that it moves them to REAL tears. Worship service, to these people is congregational and not personal! Every week these people have some need for prayer and deliverance from certain doom or a disastrous calamity, as well as, a testimony as to what God has done in their life and the places that He has brought them out of in the past week. Now there is nothing wrong with bringing your needs before the Lord and asking for help or testifying of His goodness, but make sure that, that is what you are doing and not using this portion of the service as your own personal "look at me" session. When you start talking about how bad you have it and seeking sympathy, rather than acknowledging and uplifting Jesus in all things, then it is time for you to simply hold your peace. When the sermon is delivered, these "pros" have their "Amens" and "Hallelujahs" as well rehearsed and scripted as a Shakespearean Masterpiece! And finally, at alter call they "pour their heart out" to God and say that He has touched their life, but the moment that they leave the church and they are out of sight of the members of the congregation, a stranger would not be able to pick them out of a lineup or criminals, drunks, or maybe even strippers! So what were they delivered from? What chains were removed and exactly how were their eyes opened? That touch that they received was so superficial due to their own inability to let down their guard and become emotionally, physically, and spiritually engaged in the service from their place on the awards platform that it simply did not last! So, I would like to encourage you to maintain you "amateur" status! Don't get so caught up in the do's and don'ts that you loose your ability to freely and passionately worship your God with all that YOU are! If you are sincere and your praise comes from your heart then all of heaven will rejoice with you even if no one in the congregation will...


Are You Getting the Better End of the Deal?!?

When we look at our relationship with God and think of the paths that our lives have taken as a result of following Him, do you think that you are getting the better end of the deal? Are you thankful for what He has done for you, or do you feel as though you have had to give up too much or miss out? The thing that you and I miss never loose sight of is the fact that we are never giving God anything REALLY...What do I mean?!? I'll explain...
Any and everything that you and I do for His glory and to propagate His kingdom here on earth is rewarded! Now we may not have a treasure chest or money, or a new car, or even a roof over our head that we are able to call our own, but what we lack here in this minuscule existence that we call life, we gain for all of eternity in heaven.
2 Corinthians 4:16-17 tells us For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
This passage was written by a man who had been beaten, thrown in jail, was homeless, was ridiculed and mocked, was thrown out of cities, who didn't have a penny to his name, and who was subjected to all forms of torment for simply preaching the gospel and trying to help people. So as you can see, you may not always be loved for doing what is right in the eyes of the Lord but we can expect this. The bible tells us in John 15:18-20 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you. If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.
Never loose sight of the fact that no matter what it costs you t follow Jesus, whether it be friends, family, money, jobs, possessions, etc., YOU ARE GETTING THE BETTER END OF THE DEAL!


Youth Launch 2008...

I just wanted to remind everyone about Youth Launch in Onterio this Saturday May 31st at 4:00 pm. We will be meeting at the church at 1:30 pm and leaving for Onterio at 2:00 pm. There is a cost of $10.00 for admission. See all of you there!


A Lesson in Humanity's Humility...

Have you ever noticed how we always look better to ourselves than we do to others? Why do we always think we are right for doing the same thing that we look down on someone else for doing? The bible clearly tells us that every man is right in his own eyes until his neighbor searches him out. In 2 Samuel 12 we see where David himself could not see his own sin, but was quick to hand out punishment to another.
2 Samuel 12 1-And the LORD sent Nathan unto David. And he came unto him, and said unto him, There were two men in one city; the one rich, and the other poor. The rich man had exceeding many flocks and herds: But the poor man had nothing, save one little ewe lamb, which he had bought and nourished up: and it grew up together with him, and with his children; it did eat of his own meat, and drank of his own cup, and lay in his bosom, and was unto him as a daughter. And there came a traveller unto the rich man, and he spared to take of his own flock and of his own herd, to dress for the wayfaring man that was come unto him; but took the poor man's lamb, and dressed it for the man that was come to him. And David's anger was greatly kindled against the man; and he said to Nathan, As the LORD liveth, the man that hath done this thing shall surely die: And he shall restore the lamb fourfold, because he did this thing, and because he had no pity. And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man...
You see, David had all that he could have asked for and he had been given and blessed tremendously, but that was not enough!
But David did something that very few of us do. When we have our faults pointed out by someone else, we usually respond by saying something like "who are you to judge me", "you're no better than I am", or "who do you think you are", but not David! He quickly realized that he was to blame and he had a problem, and he was wrong! He didn't try to rationalize what he had done or give an excuse. No David said "I have sinned against the Lord" in verse 13 and then Nathan reminded him of God's amazing grace and love by telling him, "The LORD also hath put away thy sin; thou shalt not die.", and the reason he said this was because we see in Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
You see God wants us to do the right thing but when we fail Him, He doesn't fail us! In 1 John 1:9 we see, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
So the next time you go to point the finger at someone else's mistake, remember that there are 3 fingers pointing back at you and before you criticise another person for their shortcomings take a look in the mirror and ask yourself, "Am I were I need to be and am I doing all that I should be doing?" If not the acknowledge your failures, ask for forgiveness, and go forward into a bright new tomorrow...


Thought of the Week for May 4th thru 10th...

This thought has been on my mind for some time now and therefore I feel that maybe someone out there might benefit from hearing these words, "Temptation is not sin, it's a call to action!" So many times we feel as though we have failed or that we have in some way fallen short of the mark that has been set for us by feeling temptation, and that could not be further from the truth. It is one of the most potent lies of the devil to convenience us that we are somehow unworthy to even go to God with our problems due to the inconsequential act of being tempted when in all actuality, the only way for us to overcome the temptation and to be conquers, is through Christ Jesus. Never forget that God himself, Jesus was tempted! It is whether or not we give into the temptation that presents itself that determines whether or not we fail to meet God's expectations and not the act of being tempted. So do not feel guilty or depressed when you have temptation come your way, but rather rejoice in the fact that you no longer give in to the temptation (which is where true failure lies) but you now overcome it! When you feel tempted, you're not sinning, but it is a wake up call for you to get on your knees and pray for God to deliver you or for you to find yourself lost in the scriptures seeking God's will in His word.

"Fill the World" Sheaves for Christ contest...

Calling all young people, this contest will pit the guys versus the girls to see who can collect the most change. You will find coin receptacles in the sound booth of the church and we would like to ask that you get as much change collected from now until the end of the Sheaves for Christ campaign (September 7th) and place it in your respective container. The group with the most money collected will get a pizza party where the loosing group will have to cater to the winning group's every request (get them drinks, food, napkins, ice, chips, etc.)...Get your parent's, friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents, and anyone else that you can find to save you their loose change so that your group can be victorious! Do your best to support this cause and good luck to everyone!


Sheaves for Christ...

We have begun our 2008 Sheaves for Christ Campaign and our goal is to raise $10,000. This money is then fed back into the District Youth Department so that our young people have the resources to reach others, the materials to make an impact, and ability to achieve a deeper and more meaningful relationship with God. There will be many different ways by which and through which you will be able to make a difference. It has been said that the Youth of today are the church of tomorrow. If this is true, then won't you help to build a brighter tomorrow? If you feel compelled to give, then please give. We would like to encourage each and every one of our church members to get involved by giving your support, your time, your prayers, and your help...Will you join the story?


Thought of the Week for April 27th thru May 3rd...

What would you trade for your soul? This simple question has amazing implications on your life, so, I really want you to contemplate what you are trading for your soul each and every day. What is your greatest desire? Is it money, fame, fortune, respect, power, influence, possessions, etc.? Would getting any of those things be worth your soul?
The devil is cunning and he will place things in your path that look good to you at the time. There doesn't seem to be any negative consequences to your actions and so you do it or take it, never thinking of any wrong doing on your part. In many ways, our willingness to dabble in the things that the devil places before us, is like the way the Native Americans openly traded and accepted the things of the "White Man". The Native Americans accepted blankets containing small pox, alcohol, guns, and many other things, never thinking that these things would lead to times of trouble for their people. They thought they were doing what was best for everyone, but ended up causing more pain that pleasure, more crying than comfort, and more disappointment than deliverance.
Now I'll ask you again, what would you trade for your soul? Many of you are quick to say nothing is worth my soul, but your lives would say otherwise. When you choose to stay home and relax rather than go to church, you trade relaxation for your soul. When you use foul language to fit in a conversation rather than sharing the gospel, you trade foul language and acceptance for your soul. When you frequent certain establishments or watch certain programs or movies, you trade those moments and those surroundings for your soul. You see, whatever you put before God in your life is what you are trading for your soul, and for each person it is different.
So the better question might be, is it worth it? Do you feel like you're getting a "good deal"? Is an eternity of damnation worth a few minutes of "guilty pleasure"? If not, then make some changes today! Many people say that they love God. Many people claim to be a Christian. Unfortunately, many of those same people believe that you can love God and do whatever you want! Is that you? If so, you don't have to stay that way. Will you make the choice to change today?...

Yfactor Breakout...

This Thursday at 7:00 pm we will be having our Yfactor Breakout session so make sure that you are there so that you don't miss out on all that will be taking place. We will be assigning roles for our upcoming production called "Masks", we will talk a little about prayer, we will have another contest in our Soul Survivor contest, and much more, so don't miss it...see ya there.


I want to apologize for not having a thought of the week available for you last week. I will do my best to not let that happen again. Thank you...


Yfactor Night...

Just wanted to remind everyone that Thursday night is our Yfactor Breakout Night! There will be tons of stuff to do and so I would encourage anyone and everyone to be there, and remember to bring your friends...There will be youthful music, a short video and message, games, contests, a coffee and cold drink bar, and a lot more so don't miss out! The fun starts at approximately 7:00 pm so I'll see ya there...



There was once a religious man, who was walking down a road that he traveled regularly. As he was making his way down the road a bag lady came to him and warned him not go any further because, about a mile down the road, there was quicksand. The man dismissed the woman's concern and continued on, where he came upon a homeless man who told him to stop due to the quicksand that was approximately a half mile ahead. The man dismissed his concerns, and continued on his way. Approximately a quarter mile down the road, the man met a friend from his past who expressed the same concern and instructed him not to continue for fear that he would fall victim to the quicksand ahead. The man paused, considered his friends shady past, and then continued down the road. Finally, the man had come to within 1000 feet of the quicksand and he was again stopped, but this time there was no visable figure to be seen, only a voice in the man's head, telling him to stop and to go no further. The man attributed this to the fact that he had been told the same thing by so many people that he was imagining hearing their voices still and continued until he slowly started to sink into a large pit of quicksand. Now as the man was sinking he cried out, "Why God? Why didn't you warn me of this danger?" As he began to go under he heard the same low, still, small voice that he had heard only moments before his fall. This is what the voice said to him..."You failed to listen to me because you thought you knew better! I placed a woman on your path and you dismissed her due to her appearance. I placed a man along the way and you did not heed his warnings due to your pride and arrogance. I put a past acquaintance in your life, but you remembered his past and could not see your future. Finally, I personally spoke to you, and you didn't even recognize my voice, since you spend so little time with me. I do not wish you to go through this, you choose this for yourself. I'm simply giving you what you wanted..."

How many of us talk to God when things are good as often as we talk to Him in times of trouble. When things go wrong He is the first to know about it, but when life is great then we are the one's who made it all happen. We often give Him the blame but not to praise, the complaints but not the accolades, the worry but not the worship. Today, stop to give Him the glory and honor He is due for all He does for you...


Thought of the week April 6th thru 12th...

With all of the March Madness now taking place across the country, I think it would only be fitting to reflect on what it really means to be a fan and how our Christian walk should be littered with evidence to the fact that we are a fan of Jesus Christ, our personal Lord and Savior...Many people throughout the country fill out brackets, watch games, and cheer on their team through their NCAA tournament run. People allow the outcomes of these contest to effect their mood, change or alter their sleep or eating, or even plan their life around the broadcast of the games. Now that's crazy, or should I say fanatical!
Now think about this...how amazing and powerful would our church services become if people started letting church and being in the presence of almighty God effect their mood. Wouldn't it be great to see people's attitudes change the second that they walked into the house of God? Think of the tidal wave of joy and peace that would sweep through the congregation if everyone would allow themselves to be overwhelmed with the happiness that should fill their hearts with a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus. Phenomenal!
Think of the power and the demonstrations that we would begin to see in our services if we allowed our relationship with God to alter our eating arrangements in such a way that people began to fast and pray daily because of their love for God. Wouldn't it be something to see God work in people's lives and change their hearts and minds every time the doors of the church were opened? To see the power of God fall during our prayer meetings or during a midweek bible study in response to the dedication and earnest seeking of God's will. Fantastic!
Finally, what if people started to plan their lives around the activities and the ministries of the church and not around the things outside of the church. What if, instead of missing church due to a football or baseball game, we missed the football or baseball game due to church? What if instead of staying home to watch American Idol on Tuesday night we missed it to go to Prayer Meeting? What if we went to bed early on Saturday night rather than going out and partying so that we could get up early and go to church the next morning? Fanatical!
So the question is this...Are you a fan of God or a fan of something else? Do things come up that keep you out of church, or do the things of the church and the desire to do God's will keep you out of the things of the world? Who or what are you a fan of?!?


Thought of the Week for March 30th thru April 5th...

This week I would like for us to focus on our ability to go directly to the Lord with our needs and our desires through the powerful privilege of prayer. This is a privilege that many of us take for granted and very few of us realize the true blessing that it contained within this act. The bible tells us in Matthew 27:50-51, "Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. And, behold, the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom; and the earth did quake, and the rocks rent."

You see, as God's plan for the reclamation and the redemption of man was completed, there was no need for the priest to enter in and make intercession for the people anymore, that was accomplished by Jesus Christ. He now sits and makes intercession for us. You see in Romans 8:34 the bible says, "Who is he that condemns? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us."

Therefore Christ, through His death, burial, and resurrection, has not only given us the miraculous and powerful gift of the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost), but He also allowed us to experience the powerful privilege that only a select few in the Old Testament, such as Moses, Abraham, and Elijah, to name a few, were able to experience. Not even the great and wonderful David was able to communicate with God directly. Think about that for just a second! You are able to do something and enjoy a privilege that one of the most influential men in the Bible was not!

Prayer is a privilege and it is one that we should take full advantage of in our daily lives. You don't communicate with your spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend once or twice a week and so why should you talk to the lover of your soul and the God of all creation on such a limited basis? Why should we be so eager to spend hours on the phone talking about somewhat insignificant or inconsequential things when we have a God who wants to give us all of the desires of our heart if we will only seek Him first. Please, spend time with the one who did so much for you and I. I don't think that is too much to ask, do you?...


Your Minority Report...

I don't know how many of you saw "Minority Report" staring Tom Cruise, but I did many years ago, and for some reason I started thinking about it this morning on my way to work, and there were a few concepts that stood out in my mind other than the basic premise or plot of the movie.

The first concept is that everyone, no matter what their background, can make a difference if they choose to use their God given talents and abilities for the betterment of society as a whole. Don't use the fact that you come from the wrong side of the tracks or that you have made mistakes in your past as an excuse to allow you to squander the opportunities that God gives you to be used. You and I may not have the gift of premonition like the precogs in the movie but we do have gifts that are just waiting to be used, so use them! (the story of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)

Secondly, everyone has faults and has made poor judgements in their past, of that we can be certain. Maybe we have done horrible things in our past or maybe we are still letting the events of the past affect and shape our present. Please, "Stop the Insanity!" What makes real life so great is that we have the ability to choose to turn from that lifestyle and to go forward into a brighter and more positive future. Allowing the circumstances and situations of our past to dictate to us our future is a lie straight out of hell and we must stand strong and believe that we have the power and the strength to overcome our past and to become the creature that Christ wants us to be. (Romans 8)

Finally, we all have a "Minority Report!", and it lies with the one who is brighter than all the others, Jesus! It is the life and the path that God would have you and I to live and pursue. While the devil would have us to believe that this is simply the hand that we were dealt and this is all that we will ever be, God wants us to know and to understand that there is more for us to achieve and to become if we will simply choose to follow His path and strive to have His will for our lives. Our future is not already written, unlike this movie would suggest, and it is up to us to do with it what we will. Hopefully we will make the right choice and start by making today a new day, seeing it as an opportunity to make it and our lives better than the day before...


Thought of the Week for March 23rd thru 29th...

Obviously, this week we will focus on the celebration of Easter as it is because of this event in the past that we are able to have the future that we do. It is amazing to think about it really! God manifest in the flesh bore the sins of all humanity for the chance that you and I would choose to follow Him. He loves you and I that much that He was willing to go through all of the humiliation, the suffering, and the shame of that fateful day for the mere possibility that you would choose to love Him. There was and is no guarantee that any of us would pick up our cross and follow Him, but that did not stop Him from making the ultimate sacrifice to reclaim and to renew the relationship that we willingly relinquished. Think about this...If He knew that you were going to be the only person who would chose to give their life to Him, if He knew that your one soul was the only reward for all that He went through, if He knew that you were going to the one person to escape the torture and torment of an eternity spent in hell, He would have still had a reason to go to endure the beatings, to go to the cross, and die for your sins...Now that's an amazing love!

Spirit West Coast Concert...

I wanted to put this out there for anyone who wanted to go to this event. It is a contemporary Christian concert Series in Del Mar and we would be going on May 24th. If you are interested or just want to find out more information about this event you can go to www.spiritwestcoast.org/delmar for more information. There is a cost associated with this event of approximately $50.00 for your ticket to get in and then whatever you need for food, souvenirs, etc. Please let me know if you intend to go by March 31st so that we can get your tickets before the prices go up. Thank you...

Thank You...

I just wanted to say a special thank you to everyone who did such a great job with the Easter Drama! You guys were awesome and I just wanted to say thank you for all of your time, effort, and dedication. I really think that we were able to touch a lot of the people who were there for the performance and hopefully we will be able to minister to thousands more through the miracle of the Internet. Thanks again...


Youth Convention...

Don't forget that the caravan will be leaving for the Youth Convention in Bakersfield on Wednesday and Thursday, March 19th and 20th, at 5:00 pm sharp. Don't be late! This will be a great time of worship and praise with youth from across the entire state of California. It is both powerful and impacting to see a group of 1 to 2 thousand, or more, young people, praising and magnifying God together. I would strongly encourage you, regardless of your age, to come and to be a part of this exciting event. This is a great opportunity for you to share God with loved ones so please, bring your friends and family members and watch as God transforms your life and theirs...


Thought for the Week of March 16th thru 22nd...

The 16th is Palm Sunday, or the day in which Jesus arrived triumphantly into Jerusalem, and the 21st is Good Friday. Yet I think that too often we become so preoccupied with the wonder and splendor that was and is Easter Morning, we loose sight of the turmoil and trepidation that Christ was going through during this week. He arrived and was greeted with a king's welcome into Jerusalem, riding a donkey through the city gates and having people lay palm leaves in His path. The same people that He knew were only days later going to shout and demand His crucifixion on the cross. These same people who were shouting, "Hallelujah" and "Hosanna" this day would be shouting, "Give us Barabbas" and "Crucify Him" just days later. What a feeling Jesus must have felt to see these people giving Him the honor and glory that He rightfully deserved knowing how swiftly their hearts would change and how easily their minds would be corrupted. How sad to think that the only true and honest praise that He was receiving was that of the birds that were chirping overhead. What a pity...And then Good Friday! It's good only because of what we gained from His sacrifice! If you have yet to receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, then it's just Friday to you. But this happens to be a National Holiday, celebrated by millions of people all across the U.S. His death, burial, and resurrection, gave us the ability to receive unconditional mercy and love, and to have an opportunity to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. The same unconditional mercy and love that you and I have the privilege of knowing and enjoying is available to everyone, but unfortunately, many have yet to take advantage of the full benefits that a deep and meaningful relationship with God provides. Jesus, the one who loved you and I so much that He took our place, the one who died so that you and I might live, the one who gave up everything to be our spotless sacrifice, without sin and without blemish. That same Jesus, will only see some people 1 or 2 times a year around His house, for His birthday and for a celebration of His death, if that...Now that's what is really a shame...



I have often had people who do not currently attend church tell me that they don't go to church because it is "unnecessary" or that "all of the people there are just hypocrites anyway" and therefore they don't want to associate with a bunch of hypocrites. They pull out the excuse that they "don't have any nice clothes to wear" or that they haven't been to a church in a while so they would "feel uncomfortable or out of place". But the best excuse that I have ever heard is, "I don't trust in or commit to things that I don't understand", and therefore they can't trust in God because they don't understand God. Now to this I would like to reply (I don't but I wish that I would) "Do you understand the manner in which electricity works and if you don't do you not have lights, televisions, or any other gadget that requires the use of this thing that you don't understand? Do you understand the law of gravity and if not does that mean that it does not exist? Do you understand the workings of an internal combustion engine and if not do you refuse to drive or ride in any vehicle?" Hopefully the fallibility in this excuse is clearly evident and the ridiculous nature this sort of reasoning is brought to light. God, through His word talks about this very subject and the problem that He knew man would have accepting the truth where it says in 1 Timothy 3:16

"And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory."

Remember, just because you choose not to believe or accept something, does not make it any less true or necessary...


A Lesson From History...

In July 1776, a man named John Hancock made one of the boldest and most symbolic gestures of any man when he not only was the first to sign the Declaration of Independence, but he signed it so largely and profoundly that, in his words, "King George will be able to read that all the way from his seat in Parliament!" You see, there was no doubt that he was committed to the cause of freedom, and he was willing to let everyone know it. The other men present followed suit and signed the document, but none of them had the vision, confidence, or determination to follow Hancock's example and take a bold step of faith.

How daring! How committed! How inspiring! How passionate about the cause!

Now think about this...How often do you and I proclaim to be a Christian to our church friends but then try desperately to blend in with everyone else when we go to school, to work, or to socialize with non-Christians? Are we willing to boldly and passionately display Christ's name on our lives, day in and day out, for all the world to see or do we do like all of the other people who signed the Declaration and just sort of haphazardly place our name with all the others never trying or desiring to boldly go where others don't? Remember we are to be a beacon of hope and light to this dying and decaying world. This is better explained to us in Matthew 5:13-16, where it says...

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. "You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.


The Lord's Calf...

There was once a farmer and in the springtime he had a cow who happened to birth two calves. The man came rushing into the house and told his wife that they had been blessed and for her to come and see what God had done for them. The woman went out to the barn with her husband and saw the two calves there and asked what he intended to do with the other calf? The man replied emphatically, "This is a blessing from God, the blessing that you and I have been praying for. We did not have any money to give back to God as our tithe and so he provided us with this calf for us to raise, sell, and give the money to Him." The woman thought that was a wonderful idea and so she asked her husband, "So which calf is the Lord's and which calf is ours?" Her husband responded, "It doesn't matter, they are both gifts!" Latter that summer the man went out to feed the livestock and was shocked and dismayed at what he found. He ran quickly back into the house to tell his wife the terrible news. "Hunny", he said, "The Lord's calf died..."

How many times do we start out with the best intentions, but somewhere along the way we loose focus and end up slipping into a place we never intended to go? You see, the farmer started out with good intentions, and it was easy for him to be content with his decision while both of the calves were living and doing well, but as soon as one died, he completely forgot about the promise he had made to God at their birth and the fact that they were both gifts and blessings from God to begin with. The next time you find yourself facing hard times or the road of your life becomes a bit rocky and there are bumps in the road, remember the promises that you made to Him, but more importantly remember the promises that He has made to you...


This is the Day...

While getting ready for church this morning, I heard a familiar passage being read and this thought popped into my head. In the Bible where it says "This is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it", there is no mention of the day in question being Sunday or the Sabbath. Why then do we seem to focus and concentrate our thought of celebration and gladness on Sunday? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to rejoice and be glad everyday and not just once a week? I don't know about you, but I personally would consider a person weird if they were down and depressed for six days straight and then once a week they decided that they were going to be happy. We call those people schizophrenic, not to poke fun at this serious medical condition, (disclaimer). Rather than dwelling on the misery and pain that we see all around us on a daily basis, wouldn't it be better to rejoice that you have been given the chance to live another 24 hours? Isn't that reason enough to rejoice? Rather than turning on the news and being overwhelmed by the horrors that you see in your community, wouldn't it be a more admirable and worthy way to spend your time ministering to the needs of a neighbor? Shouldn't we be able to be glad that our condition is not as bad as that of another? Now I'm not saying to rejoice in another person's misery, but it does help to put our petty squabbles and minor discomforts into better perspective when we see the anguish of another who has things far worse than you or I. So tomorrow before you wallow in your own self pity, take a moment, reflect on all that God has done for you, and rejoice and be glad in the day and the time that you have been so graciously given...


Seeing the Difference that HD Can Make...

I know that a lot of you out there have a HD TV. I myself have 2 of them. But as I was running around town today, back and forth from the printers due to poor image resolution, this thought hit me. Why do we as Christians have such a hard time seeing the world as it really is? Why do we often find ourselves faced with situations and circumstances that we just didn't see coming? Why didn't I notice when a friend was going through a tough situation? Why do some our lives see the same ups and downs as those people that are living their lives depressed, destitute, and desperate for something to come into their lives and fill the void that only a true and personal relationship with Jesus can fill? I think the answer lies in how we see the world. We are so used to seeing the world in as it has always been that we are blind to the subtleties and simple details that are found there. We need to see our world in HD, Holy Definition! I know you may think that that is a corny analogy but it couldn't be more true. When we see the world through the eyes of Christ then those in need seem to stand out, those that are hurting become visible, and those that need a miracle come into focus. Holy Definition is not available from your local cable provider. It is only attained through the infilling of the Holy Ghost and a belief and relationship with the Lord. The best part is, there is no equipment to buy! All you have to do is allow Jesus to be your personal Lord and Savior and live a life that is pleasing to Him as detailed in the Bible. The Service is FREE, the quote is FREE, there is no shipping and handling, and the benefits can be enjoyed almost instantaneously. So what are you waiting for? Start to pray and start the process today...


The Powerful Problem of Perpetual Pride...

I would like to start out by saying that I was prompted to write this entry following the Mpact Break Out Session class last night in which we discussed pride. That being said, pride can and is often a hindrance in our spiritual walk. Now, before you misunderstand what I'm trying to say, let me clarify this by saying that not all pride is bad! If pride leads you to want to go deeper and do more for God then that is not wrong. What I am trying to say, is pride can cause us to stumble when we let it separate us from God as evidenced in the Bible in Proverbs 16:18 where is says "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." I will give you an example to help you to understand the difference between good pride and devastating pride.

Johnny sees his friend Jarrod reading his Bible and praying. Jarrod then goes to Johnny and asks if he needs prayer for anything in his life. Johnny responds by saying no even though he knows he is about to loose his job, his wife and he are having marital problems, and his kids are out running the streets doing drugs, drinking, etc. Johnny's PRIDE kept him from seeking help for his situation. Now we will take the same situation and twist it slightly where pride becomes a good thing. Johnny see Jarrod reading his Bible and praying. Johnny takes pride in being a good Christian and his PRIDE leads him to follow in Jarrod's example and pick up the Bible and pray to God. Later when Jarrod asks Johnny if he needs prayer, Johnny says yes and they begin to pray over his needs and ask God to help him. You see in this scenario Johnny's PRIDE leads him to seek God and to more importantly seek God's will for his life.

Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14 "if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land." You must humble yourself AND pray AND seek God AND turn from your wicked ways (repent). It is really an all or nothing proposition...

You see, some people have a problem asking people for directions, and they will often spend hours driving around in circles rather than stopping and seeking help. We will tear apart objects and try to assemble products without ever looking at the manufacturer's instructions because we think we know how to put it together better than the person who made it. Likewise, people will spend their entire lives seeking answers in books, on the television, through friends, with the end result being they spin their wheels and often end up right back where they started with little or no change and still seeking resolution to their dilemma. Why not put aside your pride and ask the Maker of the heavens and the earth for your answer? After all, who better to ask for help then the person who made it all to start with?


Y factor Break Out Session is tonight...

This is a reminder for all Youth that we are having our Y factor Break Out session tonight at the church. So of the topics that we will be discussing will be likes and dislikes as they pertain to church and our lives outside of the walls of our building, hobbies, activities, future drama / film ideas, musical interest, and a brief message about elephants (???). We'll see you there and remember, bring your friends so that our Youth Program can become what you want it to be and what they need it to be...see ya at 7:00 pm.


Should It Surprise Us...

Should it surprise us when people undermine our efforts or insult our actions? Should it shock us when we face scrutiny and ridicule daily for our beliefs? Should we really think that it is beyond comprehension for we as Christians to experience hate and prejudice from the outside world? What makes us feel this way? The Bible declared to us that we would go through these things and therefore why should we be astonished when we do? In 1 Peter 4:12-14 the Bible tells us

"Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. If you are insulted because of the name of Christ, you are blessed, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you." (NIV)

So you see we should not be caught off guard by these transgressions but rather we should stand fast in the knowledge that if the world cursed, beat, spit on, and battered our Lord, then why shouldn't they do the same to us. We should take solice and comfort in the fact that we are going through these tribulations, and we should thank God that we have the strength and resilience to make it to the other side of the trial. Just know this, no matter what you go through for His Name's Sake, He went through worse and endured more for your's...


The Two Sided Elevator...

I heard this story on the radio and the correlation between it and the way we strive to make it on our own rather than turning to God struck me as nothing less than incredible and so I would like to share it with you.

"There was a man who was visiting a city with which he was unfamiliar. He was staying at a nice hotel and after checking in he went to the elevator to proceed to go to his room on the 7th floor. He entered the elevator, pushed the number 7, and waited for the doors to close. Once they
did, he noticed that he was alone on the elevator. As it began to rise he began to day dream and to think about all of the excitement that he was going to find in the world around him. The
elevator passed the 2nd floor...3rd floor...4th floor and the man's anticipation grew and grew. Then the 5th floor...6th floor, and when it reached the 7th it stopped but the door in front of him failed to open. The man frantically began to beat on the door. He felt a sense of claustrophobia start to overtake him and the walls began to close in around him. He pushed the Emergency Button and dialed the front desk on the in elevator emergency phone and began to explain his situation, but the person on the other end dismissed his plea for help swiftly and hung up on him. Finally in a feat of desperation the man fell to his knees and cried out "God help me!!!" At that moment a man walked onto the elevator and tapped the man on the shoulder. The man was shocked and startled by this, since he knew he had entered the elevator alone and no one
had got on in the floors that passed on the way up. He turned around to see an elderly man standing there holding the door open. The man regained his composure and stood to his feet, thanked the man, and went to his room. The elevator experience faded into the distance and was quickly forgotten..."

How many times have we been searching for a way where there appeared to be no way? How many times did we seek pleasure in the world even while we were proclaiming to be striving towards the "high calling". How many times have we tried everything that we think should work and failed? How many times have we asked other people to help us, only to have them turn their backs on us or avoid us altogether? But we still call on them the next time we have a problem or a crisis arises in our lives knowing that they weren't there for us the last time! How many times do we have to bang on the door, call for help, push the Emergency Button, before we get desperate? Why not just talk to God in the first place?...


Just a thought...

I was sitting here thinking about what it means to be a Christian? What is it that really makes us who we are? Is it our beliefs? I should think not, since we as a Christian community can't seem to agree on most doctrinal issues and therefore we practice things differently. Is it our dress or the way we look? Again, I would think not since there again we fail to be in agreement as to how we should dress and why we should dress that way from one congregation to another. Face it, there are even differences among different congregations within the same religious community. All these things, and many others like them, are simply characteristics of who we are and do not define us and Christians. What is truly definitive and groundbreaking is how we live our lives. Do we help those in need? Do we care for those who have been forsaken and abandoned? Do we take time to lend a sympathetic ear to someone who is hurting? The list goes on and on...I pray that you would look past the painted facade and see what is true in the people who you minister to everyday of your life, because make no mistake about it, you are ministering every second of every day. See through the fog of confusion and truly engage the person within, through a kind word or a caring smile. You never know how many people one person can reach until you try...


Welcome to the New Youth Blog...

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the new blog of the Connect Point Youth. We hope that you are able to gain insight and understanding into the direct correlation between the truths expressed in the Bible and circumstances and situations that arise in your own daily life. Again, let me express our sincere thanks to you for your interest and I would like to let you know that if we are able to assist you in any way please feel free to drop us a line anytime. Thank you and God bless...