
Your Minority Report...

I don't know how many of you saw "Minority Report" staring Tom Cruise, but I did many years ago, and for some reason I started thinking about it this morning on my way to work, and there were a few concepts that stood out in my mind other than the basic premise or plot of the movie.

The first concept is that everyone, no matter what their background, can make a difference if they choose to use their God given talents and abilities for the betterment of society as a whole. Don't use the fact that you come from the wrong side of the tracks or that you have made mistakes in your past as an excuse to allow you to squander the opportunities that God gives you to be used. You and I may not have the gift of premonition like the precogs in the movie but we do have gifts that are just waiting to be used, so use them! (the story of the talents Matthew 25:14-30)

Secondly, everyone has faults and has made poor judgements in their past, of that we can be certain. Maybe we have done horrible things in our past or maybe we are still letting the events of the past affect and shape our present. Please, "Stop the Insanity!" What makes real life so great is that we have the ability to choose to turn from that lifestyle and to go forward into a brighter and more positive future. Allowing the circumstances and situations of our past to dictate to us our future is a lie straight out of hell and we must stand strong and believe that we have the power and the strength to overcome our past and to become the creature that Christ wants us to be. (Romans 8)

Finally, we all have a "Minority Report!", and it lies with the one who is brighter than all the others, Jesus! It is the life and the path that God would have you and I to live and pursue. While the devil would have us to believe that this is simply the hand that we were dealt and this is all that we will ever be, God wants us to know and to understand that there is more for us to achieve and to become if we will simply choose to follow His path and strive to have His will for our lives. Our future is not already written, unlike this movie would suggest, and it is up to us to do with it what we will. Hopefully we will make the right choice and start by making today a new day, seeing it as an opportunity to make it and our lives better than the day before...

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