
Just a thought...

I was sitting here thinking about what it means to be a Christian? What is it that really makes us who we are? Is it our beliefs? I should think not, since we as a Christian community can't seem to agree on most doctrinal issues and therefore we practice things differently. Is it our dress or the way we look? Again, I would think not since there again we fail to be in agreement as to how we should dress and why we should dress that way from one congregation to another. Face it, there are even differences among different congregations within the same religious community. All these things, and many others like them, are simply characteristics of who we are and do not define us and Christians. What is truly definitive and groundbreaking is how we live our lives. Do we help those in need? Do we care for those who have been forsaken and abandoned? Do we take time to lend a sympathetic ear to someone who is hurting? The list goes on and on...I pray that you would look past the painted facade and see what is true in the people who you minister to everyday of your life, because make no mistake about it, you are ministering every second of every day. See through the fog of confusion and truly engage the person within, through a kind word or a caring smile. You never know how many people one person can reach until you try...

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