
Father Knows Best...

We often hear pastors, preachers, speakers, teachers, etc. tell us that if we want something from God that we should pray about it. All of us have, at some point or another, wanted something so badly or thought if I only had this or that then I would be happy and content, only to experience an unanswered prayer. But at this point it is important to note that simply because God does not respond in the way that we would want Him to, does not mean that He isn't listening nor does it mean that He does not care about you enough to give you your desire. It might just be that He is saying "Not right now" or "In a minute" or maybe even "No". Yes, contrary to what some popular evangelist might have you to believe, the Bible does mention the word No!

I had one such experience when I was younger. I wanted to date a certain girl and I wanted it so badly that I would pray and pray for God to allow me to be with her. I would make deals like "If You will allow me to be with her then I will do this" or say things like "If You care about me at all then You would want me to be happy, and she would make me happy." I didn't realize it at the time but I can see it now after approximately 15 years or so. If I had been granted my request then my life would be extremely different and I don't mean for the better. The girl that I had my eye on turned out to be a drug user, she stole from her parents, friends, and family to get these drugs. She is now divorced twice with 3 children by 3 different men. Why would anyone want that?

God saw what was best for me not what I want! So remember, like the old TV show, Father knows best! God will allow you to be the best that you can possibly be and just like with your parents, you may not always like their answer but often times they do know what is best for you and want what is best for you...

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