
Knowing Your Enemy...

Many of you are familiar with this expression. Maybe some of you have played sports where you would get a scouting report on the person that you were going to be going up against so that you could study up on that person. You could learn their favorite moves or tendencies so that you could be better equipped to slow them down or stop them entirely. Why don't we do that with the devil?

I have had many people say to me that "I must have done something wrong since my life is in shambles," or "They must not be living right" due to the circumstances that someone may be going through. But I look at those situations completely differently. Maybe you are going through what you are going through because you are doing everything right!?! Think about that for a second...Now realize that every time God opens the windows of heaven to pour out your blessing, Satan opens the gates of hell to try to take that blessing from you. Don't you understand, the devil will do ANYTHING to keep you out of heaven!

He will allow so-called miracles to occur in churches that pose no threat to him. He will allow physical prosperity to come to those whose souls are already his. He will raise up men who he can control to prominence and fame so that all the world will think that the lifestyle that they are living must be the way since they "appear" to be so blessed. WHATEVER IT TAKES! Much like Malcolm X's philosophy, "By any means necessary!"

We as the Church need to develop this same mentality! We need a few men and women who understand that this war that we are in, is not going to be won without sacrifice. That saying "Freedom isn't free!", couldn't be more true. We have go to be willing to give our time, our monetary blessing, and our talents (you wouldn't have it if God didn't want you to use it) to make a difference in the lives of the people around us. If we don't do it now, then when? Know this, hell doesn't give it's workers a day off, breaks, or even a lunch hour to relax. We have to be willing to do our part in this fight to confront this foe head on. Then and only then can we know our enemy...Then and only then can we win people to God!

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