
What Does It Mean to be a Christian?

There was a saying right at the end of a movie called "Bruce Almighty" where Jim Carey says, Be the Miracle." And while I'm sure many people saw this as a fitting way to end a comedy movie based loosely around the miracle working power of God, these words could not have been more true for how we who have had the privilege of knowing and coming into contact with the Lord of all creation should live our lives in this world. We should be the miracle for those around us and they should be able to see God's miracle working power in us because, whether you think it is fair or not, you are all of God that this world is going to ever see and so you have the obligation of carrying the banner of Christ as long as you choose to be His servant.

So how can we "Be the Miracle"? It really is simple. Too often we think of miracles as supernatural or spectacular when in all actuality we oftentimes miss the miracles that we are blessed with in our lives. Doing what is right and just rather than what is easy can be a miracle. A single mother providing for her children or a father raising his kids on his own and having them grow up to be productive members of society can be and is a miracle. Even something as simple as helping a neighbor in need or sharing the gospel with a loved one can be miraculous. After all, think about it this way, is it not a miracle that you have been given the understanding and the knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Even the miracle of ownership of the very Word of God which is the Bible is a miracle...How many 4 thousand year old books do you know of still in circulation today? (huh)...

So be the miracle and watch as God does the miraculous through you!

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