
Yfactor Football Challenge...

Please come and be a part of our Yfactor 09 Football Challenge. For more information click here or visit our website at www.yfactoryouth.org. Thanks and God bless...


I don't know if it's exactly appropirate on a Christian Youth Blog, but this topic seems to be on my mind lately and therefore you get to read about it.
People rarely ever really get to appreciate the saying what goes around comes around due to their perspective. I mean if you are on the losing or negative side of the equation then you often think what did I do to deserve this and if it is a positive outcome then we say to ourselves that we must have done something right, but is that really why we were either blessed or cursed? (I know cursed is a strong word but it got your attention!?!) I mean do you really think that God and/or the angels are sitting around in heaven keeping a running total of our victories and our shortcomings? Well I do! Maybe not literally but figuratively speaking...
We can find evidence of this fact in the Bible where it tells us in Hebrews 11:6 ...and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Therefore we can come to the conclusion that if we earnestly and fervently seek after God and His will for our lives that He will reward our efforts (Matthew 6:33). When we desire to do the things that God would have for us to do then we will have our desires met (Psalms 37:4). What goes around really does come around!?!
Today take the time to do something for the Kingdom and watch as your life becomes blessed...


Being Blessed...

A lot of people take for granted the small blessings that God graciously bestows on each and every one of us, regardless of how or what we are doing, or for that matter, not doing for Him. We all have to come to grips with the fact that there is nothing that you or I can do to be deserving of God's blessing.


We get so caught up in the "how can I be blessed?" that we loose sight of the fact that we have been brought to the place where we happen to find ourselves today purely and solely by the grace of God and that in and of itself is blessing enough. God has allowed you to make it to the place where you find yourself with the sole purpose for you to be reading this blog at this very moment and to where you will have the opportunity to make a choice upon completion of this reading to whether to embrace the fact that He wants to be and is an intricate part of your life or you can continue to live your life under the disillusion that you are a self made man or woman and that you have made it this far on your own.

Think of any number of situations from your past where, if things had been even slightly different, your life would now be drastically changed. Maybe you used to or currently do drink and drive. Maybe you find yourself in a constant battle to live another 24 hours due to the environment in which you find yourself and the people with which you have surrounded yourself. Maybe you are living life as if it were a ride at an amusement park, with a constant and persistent, never ending wave of extreme highs followed by tremendous lows.

Now most people want you to believe that life is simply a series of random events with no real structure or reason for their existence, however, this could not be further from the truth. Whatever your situation and wherever you are know this, there is a reason...you have a purpose!

So the next time you find yourself in a situation where you find yourself asking the question, "How did I get to this point?" or "What am I doing here?" or better yet, "Where do I fit in and belong?", know there is a place and a person who can and will answer all of life's questions. He is simply waiting on you to open the door...and realize, if you want God to bless you in your house, you first need to bless Him in His. Find a local church that preaches truth, get into the Bible and read His Word, pray, and acknowledge Him for all that He has done for you...


Happy New Year!!!

Well let me start off by saying, welcome to 2009!

Now with the arrival of the new year everyone will undoubtedly be making those usual New Year's Resolutions. You know the personal improvements, that I'm talking about, "I'm going to exercise daily", "I'm going to eat better", "I'm going to spend more time with my family", the list goes on and on. We even have them for our church and church departments. Things like, "We're going to do more", "We're going to be more things for more people", or "We're going to add this or take away that to make this or that better". And while it is great to want to improve yourself and be a better person going forward, giving credit to and thanking those who have helped to shape that future is of vital importance.

Everyone has had someone who has been instrumental in developing their Christian walk or guiding them down the correct path. You know, that one person without whom your life would be sooo different. Everyone out there has had an experience where things could have, and probably should have, turned out much worse than they did. Everyone has been in situations or circumstances that they never intended to be in and don't know how they got there. Maybe you're there right now!?! What better way to honor those people who helped you get where you are or to pay tribute to the God who saw fit to help you through the rough times and who wants to be all that you can ever need wherever you find yourself, than to pass them along.

It has been said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and therefore to give to someone else what has been graciously given to you, would reason to be the most telling sign of the appreciation that you feel for what you have been blessed with. To know where you are going you must first know where you've been and acknowledging the people who helped us to get to this place is a great way to start...