
You Have What You Are...

I know that most people don't like to talk about death. They either avoid the subject all together or the breifly touch the topic on their way to another converstation, and while we are not going to delve too deeply into the subject, I would like to encourage you to think about this one thought. "When you die, you leave all that you have, and you have all that you are..."

When you die, you will not take any of your possessions with you! Remember this... There was a story that I heard one time where a rich elderly oil tycoon had married a woman who was considerably younger than he was and his one dying wish was to be burried with all of his money. So when he died she honored his request and as she passed by his coffin to "pay" her last respects, she dropped in a check for the entire sum of money...A lot of good that did him?!?

The only thing that last once you die who and what you are! Think about this, what appears on tombstones? It rarely ever mentions the things that you own but rather says to the world who and what you were. Possibly a husband, mother, child, loving, caring, compassionate...Christian? Never "Here lies Joe who had 3 houses, $4 Million, and drove a Lexus"?!? This is intended to be humerus but also true. Things get put in perspective when you die. The tradgey is that for many people this is the only time where things are in proper perspective...

So who and what will you take with you? You have time to change the answer if you choose...


Father Knows Best...

We often hear pastors, preachers, speakers, teachers, etc. tell us that if we want something from God that we should pray about it. All of us have, at some point or another, wanted something so badly or thought if I only had this or that then I would be happy and content, only to experience an unanswered prayer. But at this point it is important to note that simply because God does not respond in the way that we would want Him to, does not mean that He isn't listening nor does it mean that He does not care about you enough to give you your desire. It might just be that He is saying "Not right now" or "In a minute" or maybe even "No". Yes, contrary to what some popular evangelist might have you to believe, the Bible does mention the word No!

I had one such experience when I was younger. I wanted to date a certain girl and I wanted it so badly that I would pray and pray for God to allow me to be with her. I would make deals like "If You will allow me to be with her then I will do this" or say things like "If You care about me at all then You would want me to be happy, and she would make me happy." I didn't realize it at the time but I can see it now after approximately 15 years or so. If I had been granted my request then my life would be extremely different and I don't mean for the better. The girl that I had my eye on turned out to be a drug user, she stole from her parents, friends, and family to get these drugs. She is now divorced twice with 3 children by 3 different men. Why would anyone want that?

God saw what was best for me not what I want! So remember, like the old TV show, Father knows best! God will allow you to be the best that you can possibly be and just like with your parents, you may not always like their answer but often times they do know what is best for you and want what is best for you...


God's Waiting On You...

Have you ever thought to yourself that you were not ready to make the commitment to follow God because you didn't have everything all worked out and there were still somethings in your life that weren't exactly, for lack of a better word, Godly? Have you ever said that once I get everything straightened out and get my life together, then I will serve the Lord? News Flash, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT ALL TOGETHER WITHOUT GOD!

There is an old saying that says, "You can't get good then get God, but you can get God and get good." Truer words could not have been spoken!

God's not waiting on you to get all of the inadequacies and failures out of your life. He does not need you to be sinless or even blameless. He could honestly care less about what you've done or where you've been. God is simply waiting on you. That's all!

So please, today, open the door and let Him in. You will find that it was the best decision that you ever made!