
How Important is Your Bible?

You may have seen the video "What If Your Bible Was As Important As Your Cell Phone?", and the video raises some interesting and disturbing questions. Questions such as, If we truly believe that our Bible is the unedited, uncorrupted, infallible, Word of God, then why do we cast it about as randomly and carelessly as we often do? or Since our Bible is called the sword of the Spirit in Ephesians 6:17, why are so many of us defenseless, or If because of the lack of knowledge of God's Word we perish according to Hosea 4:6, why are a lot of us slowly dying? If we believe what we say that we do then why do we act as if we don't?
A wise preacher once wrote the following, "If a person professes to be a Christian but neglects their Bible, then the dust upon it's cover will rise up to testify against them on their day of judgement!"
In other words, we are only as spiritually strong as we are intelligent and inspired by the Bible. If we know little or nothing of what is contained within the pages of this powerful and immortal book then how can we profess to believe what it tells us or for that matter, how can we tell someone else that they need to believe what it contains? How can we head our Master's call if we are unfamiliar with His voice or His manner of speech? How can we do His will if we don't know His desires for our lives?
You see, we need our Bible more than it needs us! This collection has been around for thousands of years and it will continue to proclaim the Truth long after we are gone. The only question is will you proclaim and live it's Truth while you are here?

End of Summer / Back to School Rally...

The SoCal Youth District Four End of Summer / Back to School Rally will be held in San Fernando, California on September 12th at 7:30 pm. We will be leaving the church at 6:00 pm so anyone needing a ride needs to be there prior to the 6:00 pm deadline. There is no cost for this event... Also the pastor has announced that any young people who go to both the End of Summer / Back to School Rally and Praise on the Mountain, that the church will pay half of their admission fee for Praise on the Mountain. So come to both and be doubly blessed and keep a little more cash in your pocket! See, God is at work for you...

Praise on the Mountain...

Anyone wishing to participate in the Praise on the Mountain day at Six Flags : Magic Mountain needs to either meet us at the church at 9:00 am or meet us at the park at approx. 9:45-10:00 am. The admission is $28.00 per person...