
Video Ministry...

Anyone who wants to be a part of a video for posting on YouTube please let Brother Jeremy know! We want to make this video ASAP but we need actors...So please pray about it and if God lays this ministry on your heart then we invite you to be a part of what we are doing through the video ministry of the Connect Point Yfactor...


We will be taking the Yfactor Youth group to Mulligan's on August 15th. The cost will be $10.00 per person and the youth group will pick up the rest of the cost for admission. You do not have to be a church member or even a Yfactor member to attend so please, come one come all!!! If you are interested in attending this function then please let Brother Jeremy know ASAP so we can get a count of how many people are going to attend! Thank you and God bless!!!

Camp Meeting...

Summer Camp Meeting will be held in Santa Maria from August 4th through August 9th. Anyone wishing to attend needs to notify either Brother Jeremy or Pastor ASAP! The entire church will be going up on the 7th and we will be meeting at the church at approximately 4:00 pm to caravan up that way so be there early so you can reserve your seat...